$67.00 USD

Doing ✨ Mini Course

Break Your Dream Into Small, Doable Steps to Get Going

With any goal, it can feel overwhelming to know where to begin. From launching podcasts, publishing books, starting businesses, and traveling the world, I've had to learn how to break big dreams into small, doable steps to stop overwhelm and take action—and I'm sharing my favorite process with you in this mini course.

For only $67, through self-paced videos, workbooks, and practices, learn how to make taking action easier, navigate procrastination, what to do when fear stops you or you just can't seem to take action despite your best intentions, and how to get bigger results faster.

For anyone with a dream who wants a roadmap to make it happen in a fun, fulfilling, and realistic way—this is your new favorite kickstart to return to time and again.

With Author Jessica Johnson of Your Bright Life

This is perfect for any woman who is looking to get clear on what her best life looks like, find her passion, start a business, write a book, launch a creative project... who also wants someone in her ear to help her through limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and fears.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, stay-at-home parent, or freshly out of college looking to start a career, Jessica's insight into creating your brightest life will spark excitement in you... If you've never allowed yourself to dream, explore, or create your brightest life, you will after reading this.

Jessica has a way of bringing a bright and cheerful vibe to personal growth where you can tell she’s cheering you on, and that she believes in you so much that you finally understand that the next level is attainable!